The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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DOS Batch File
405 lines
echo off
REM Install RSX, not elegant, does the job!
IF L == %1 GOTO low
IF l == %1 GOTO low
IF # == %4 GOTO cont4
IF x == %1x GOTO nopath1
GOTO setup
echo .
echo .
echo . The 'RSX' programs are not copy protected; installation simply
echo . helps get set up properly for most system configurations. It
echo . allows for different drive, disk, and monitor types, though
echo . these can be changed at any time from within the program.
echo .
echo . Installation involves transfer of an appropriate set of files
echo . to the medium and directory\path from which RSX will be run.
echo . The files are selected from entries on these distribution disks
echo . and transferred to the target which becomes the working copy.
echo .
echo . First, make back-up copies of the distribution disks. Then, have
echo . formated floppy disks or a hard-disk which can receive the working
echo . copy of Reference Management System. (Read any 'readme' files.)
echo .
echo . Ready to go on to installation? Press C to continue, X to exit.
echo . ^ ^
if errorlevel 4 goto cont1
if errorlevel 3 goto cont1
if errorlevel 2 goto finish
if errorlevel 1 goto finish
GOTO finish
echo .
echo .
echo The distribution disk must be in the current default drive (A or B).
echo . ^^^^^^^
echo .
echo . There are two different installations:
echo .
echo . 1. For a HARD DISK
echo . OR a single high density floppy enter - H
echo . (1.2Mb, 1.4Mb, or 760 kb)
echo .
echo . 2. For three 360kb floppy disks . . . . enter - L
echo . (two for the program, one for data)
echo .
echo . (All diskettes must be pre-formated)
echo .
echo . Type H or L following choose below ---
echo . ^ ^
if errorlevel 4 goto high
if errorlevel 3 goto high
if errorlevel 2 goto low
if errorlevel 1 goto low
GOTO finish
echo . High Density or Hard Disk Installation
echo .
echo To install, type INSTALL followed by three parameters represented by
echo x, y, and z for which you enter appropriate items (or # for default):
echo .
echo . INSTALL x y z
echo where: [defaults] = #
echo . x = drive:\path for working program location [C:\RSX]
echo . y = drive:\path for location of data files [C:\RSX\LISTS]
echo . z = C, G, M monitor: color, gray, mono(b&w) [C]
echo .
echo Examples:
echo . INSTALL C:\RSX C:\RSX\LISTS C (is same as INSTALL #)
echo . will install RSX on hard drive C:\, in the
echo . recommended directories, for a color monitor.
echo .
echo . INSTALL A: A:\LISTS M with the distribution disk in drive B:,
echo . will install Ref.Management System to a high
echo . density disk in drive A: with mono monitor.
echo .
echo (To install to two low density floppies, enter INSTALL L or see manual.)
echo .
echo . Type INSTALL and your specifications at the prompt below...
echo .
GOTO end
REM File are copied which have general setup data that can work in most cases.
REM If specific data is provided by parameters 2 & 3, new files are copied.
echo .
echo .
echo . This distribution disk must be in the current default drive.
echo . ^^^^^^^
echo . If this is not the case, exit and start over.
echo .
echo . After exit, type A: {ENTER} or B: {ENTER}
echo . to set one of the floppy drives to default mode.
echo .
echo . Ready to continue installation? Press C to continue, X to exit.
echo . ^ ^
echo .
if errorlevel 4 goto cont4
if errorlevel 3 goto cont4
if errorlevel 2 goto finish
if errorlevel 1 goto finish
GOTO finish
IF # == %1 GOTO default
IF x == %2x GOTO nopath2
IF x == %3x GOTO nomonitor
echo .
echo . Starting installation of REFERENCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
echo .
echo . to program drive:\path = %1
echo . data files drive:\path = %2
echo . for a monitor type = %3
echo .
echo . Are these correct? Press C to continue, X to exit.
echo . ^ ^
echo .
if errorlevel 4 goto cont5
if errorlevel 3 goto cont5
if errorlevel 2 goto finish
if errorlevel 1 goto finish
GOTO finish
IF EXIST %1\rsx.exe goto cont6
IF EXIST %1rsx.exe goto cont6
GOTO makedir
echo .
echo .
echo . The program may already be installed in Drive\path %1.
echo . It will be over written if you proceed. You may want to check.
echo .
echo .
echo . Press C to continue, X to exit.
echo . ^ ^
echo .
if errorlevel 4 goto cont7
if errorlevel 3 goto cont7
if errorlevel 2 goto finish
if errorlevel 1 goto finish
GOTO finish
echo .
echo . Directory being prepared.
echo .
MD %1 > NUL
MD %2 > NUL
echo .
echo . OK
echo .
rem set up, disk size test
IF EXIST %1\rsr.ovl ERASE %1\rsr.ovl
echo . Copying files, please wait...
echo .
copy *.* %1
erase %1\install.bat
erase %1\choose.com
echo .
IF EXIST %1\rsr.ovl goto cont8
rem Test if install is from 1 or 2 floppies, changes if 2.
echo . Replace Distribution Disk #1 with Distribution Disk #2
echo .
copy *.* %1
erase %1\memsetup.00?
erase %1\demo.*
copy demo.dbf %1 > NUL
copy demo.dbt %1 > NUL
copy demo.* %2
echo .
echo . Adjusting files to user specified conditions, please wait....
echo .
IF C:\RSX\LISTS == %2 COPY \memsetup.001 %1\memsetup.mem
IF c:\rsx\lists == %2 COPY \memsetup.001 %1\memsetup.mem
IF C:\RSX == %2 COPY \memsetup.002 %1\memsetup.mem
IF c:\rsx == %2 COPY \memsetup.002 %1\memsetup.mem
IF A:\LISTS == %2 COPY \memsetup.003 %1\memsetup.mem
IF a:\lists == %2 COPY \memsetup.003 %1\memsetup.mem
IF B:\ == %2 COPY \memsetup.004 %1\memsetup.mem
IF b:\ == %2 COPY \memsetup.004 %1\memsetup.mem
IF M == %3 COPY \colormon.mem %1\colorset.mem
IF m == %3 COPY \colormon.mem %1\colorset.mem
IF G == %3 COPY \colorgry.mem %1\colorset.mem
IF g == %3 COPY \colorgry.mem %1\colorset.mem
IF C == %3 COPY \colorcol.mem %1\colorset.mem
IF c == %3 COPY \colorcol.mem %1\colorset.mem
erase %1\choose.com
erase %1\install.bat
echo .
echo .
echo .
echo . In the future you can change source and data paths as well
echo . as color settings from option #7 or #8 in the Main Menu of
echo .
echo . Before you start, make sure you have a config.sys boot-up file
echo . that has (at least) files=20 and buffers=22 or more.
echo .
echo . One item to check when you start the program. The data file
echo . location may not have been setup correctly by the installation.
echo . It is displayed near the top of the Main Menu. Please check
echo . and correct if necessary using option #7 of the Main Menu.
echo .
echo .
echo . To start, use DOS commands to change to RSX drive\directory,
echo . and then type RSX
echo .
echo .
GOTO end
echo .
echo . Starting installation of REFERENCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
echo .
echo . to program drive:\path = %1
echo . data files drive:\path = %2
echo . for a color monitor
GOTO start
echo .
echo . Starting installation of REFERENCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
echo .
echo . to program drive:\path = %1
echo . data files drive:\path = %1
echo . for a color monitor
GOTO start
echo . 360-Kb Diskette Installation of RSX - for 3 Disks & 2 Drives
echo .
echo . The recommended setup for operation of RSX from two 360kb floppy
echo . drives is to have the RSX programs on two disks: the start up files
echo . on Disk #1 (RSX.EXE & *.MEM), the remaining files on Disk #2, and
echo . the demo files and your data files on Disk #3 (used in Drive B:).
echo . After starting with Disk # 1 in Drive A:, replace Disk #1 with #2.
echo .
echo . Make the change when the Main Menu is displayed on the screen.
echo . (There is no prompt for this!)
echo .
echo . The following installation will follow this recommented setup.
echo . If you want to set up differently, please consult the manual
echo . for details of the file distribution, and then experiment!
echo .
echo . To install, Distribution Disk #1 should be in
echo . Drive A:, which should be the default drive.
echo .
echo . Have three formated disks ready to mount in Drive B:
echo . (Label them: RSX #1 - Program 1, RSX #2 - Program 2, RSX #3 - Data)
echo .
echo . Ready to continue installation? Press C to continue, X to exit.
echo . ^ ^
if errorlevel 4 goto cont9
if errorlevel 3 goto cont9
if errorlevel 2 goto finish
if errorlevel 1 goto finish
GOTO finish
echo .
echo . Start Installation:
echo .
echo . Change disks as requested. Be Careful!
echo .
echo . With Distribution disk #1 in Drive A:
echo . (you should be using the backup copy)
echo .
echo . Mount target Disk #1 in drive B:
echo .
echo .
echo . Copying files to Disk #1, please wait...
echo .
COPY A:\error.txt B:\error.txt
COPY A:\rsx.exe B:\rsx.exe
echo .
echo .
echo . Replace DISTRIBUTION Disk #1 in Drive A: with Distributon Disk #2
echo .
echo .
COPY A:\rsc.ovl B:\rsc.ovl
COPY A:\*.MEM B:\*.mem
COPY A:\memsetup.004 B:\memsetup.mem
COPY A:\memsetup.004 B:\memdeflt.mem
echo .
echo .
echo . Replace TARGET Disk #1 in Drive B: with Target Disk #2.
echo .
echo .
echo .
echo . Copying files to Disk #2, please wait...
echo .
COPY A:\*.* B:\*.*
ERASE B:\install.bat
ERASE B:\choose.com
ERASE B:\demo.*
ERASE B:\memsetup.00?
COPY A:\memsetup.004 B:\memsetup.mem
COPY A:\memsetup.004 B:\memdeflt.mem
COPY A:\demo.dbf B:\demo.dbf
COPY A:\demo.dbt B:\demo.dbt
rem check monitor setup
echo .
echo .
echo . Program file transfer now complete. Check monitor setup.
echo .
echo . There are three monitor choices available. Any will work, but
echo . the program structure, data presentation, and input requests
echo . will be best represented if the display colors are matched to
echo . the monitor type. This can be altered to used choices within
echo . the program. (Select option #8 from the Main Menu.)
echo .
echo . Monitor Color Choices:
echo . 1. Full color (default)
echo . 2. Gray (monochrome with gray variations)
echo . 3. Monochrome (black & white only & Hercules)
echo .
echo . Enter number, or X to exit.
echo .
if errorlevel 5 goto m1
if errorlevel 4 goto m2
if errorlevel 3 goto m3
if errorlevel 2 goto finish
if errorlevel 1 goto finish
goto finish
copy \colorcol.mem B:\colorset.mem
goto m4
copy \colorgry.mem B:\colorset.mem
goto m4
copy \colormon.mem B:\colorset.mem
goto m4
echo .
echo . Replace TARGET Disk #2 in Drive B: with Target Disk #1
echo .
echo .
echo . Enter monitor choice again, number 1, 2, or 3.
echo .
if errorlevel 5 goto m5
if errorlevel 4 goto m6
if errorlevel 3 goto m7
if errorlevel 2 goto finish
if errorlevel 1 goto finish
goto finish
copy \colorcol.mem B:\colorset.mem
goto m8
copy \colorgry.mem B:\colorset.mem
goto m8
copy \colormon.mem B:\colorset.mem
goto m8
echo .
echo . Transfer demo files to Data Disk #3
echo .
echo . Replace TARGET Disk #1 in Drive B: with Target Disk #3
echo .
echo .
COPY A:\DEMO.* B:\*.*
echo .
GOTO complete
echo .
echo . Leaving INSTALL and returning to DOS.
echo . Installation may not be complete.
echo .
rem pause
GOTO end